[*]Automation Engine 24.07 - Release Notes
[*]Automation Engine 24.07 - What's New
[*]MediaBeacon What's New in v24.07
[*]Imaging Engine 24.07 - release notes
[*]Color Pilot 24.07 - release notes
[*]Print Control Wizard 24.07 - release notes
[*]Curve Pilot 24.07 - release notes
[*]Pack Proof 24.07 - release notes
[*]ArtiosCAD 24.07 - What's New
[*]ArtiosCAD 24.07 - Release Notes
[*]WebCenter Release Notes 24.07
[*]What's New in WebCenter 24.07
[*]What's New in ArtPro+ 24.07
[*]What's New in DeskPack 24.07
[*]What's New in Phoenix 24.07
[*]What's New in Studio 24.07
[*]What's New in Store Visualizer 24.07
Automation Engine 24 - Complete Manual
PDFs of Chapters
•Introducing Automation Engine
•Getting Started
•PDF formats and Metadata
•Pilot Views and Tools
•Tasks and Workflow Controls
•Working with Shuttle
•Browser Client Workspaces
•ArtPro Automation
•Sign & Display workflow
•Quality Control tools
•RIP'ing with Imaging Engine
•Flexo CTP device workflow
•Cutting Tables device workflow
•Digital Printing device workflow
•Working with AE SaaS
•DTP automation using Script Runner
•Sharing to Collaborate with other AEs
•Integrating Automation Engine with Share & Approve
•Integrating Automation Engine with WebCenter
•Integrating Automation Engine with External Systems
•How to ...?
•Pre-Install IT Requirements and FAQs
•Installation Guide
•Server Management
本帖最后由 itubay 于 2024-7-26 23:12 编辑
1.PCW 24.07-新功能介绍
本帖最后由 itubay 于 2024-7-26 23:11 编辑
2.Imaging Engine 24.07-新功能介绍 本帖最后由 itubay 于 2024-7-26 23:11 编辑
3.DeskPack 24.07-新功能介绍
4.Color 24.07-新功能介绍
5.Cape Pack 24.07-新功能介绍 6.Automation Engine 24.07-新功能介绍
7.ArtPro+ 24.07 - 新功能介绍